Comet’s Tale: How the Dog I Rescued Saved My Life
Comet’s Tale is a story about a friendship between two former winners, both a little down on their luck, who together stage a remarkable comeback. A former hard-driving attorney, Steven Wolf has reluctantly left his job and family and moved to Arizona for its warm winter climate. There he is drawn to a local group that rescues abused racing greyhounds. Although he can barely take care of himself because of a spinal condition, Wolf adopts Comet, an elegant cinnamon-striped racer. Or does Comet adopt Wolf?
Racers, exposed only to the track and cage, have no experience with the most basic everyday skills, such as walking on tile floors and climbing stairs, and so Wolf must show Comet how to lead a normal dog’s life. Gradually, a confident and mysterious spirit emerges from the stunning animal. And when Wolf’s health and mood sharply decline, the tables turn. Now he can no longer perform basic everyday skills, such as climbing stairs and grocery shopping, and Comet must help.
In Comet’s Tale, we follow their journey as Wolf teaches Comet to be a service dog. Soon she is towing shopping carts down food store aisles, opening doors for Wolf, and even pulling off Wolf’s blankets, insisting he get out of bed, stop moaning, and take a walk! Comet attracts new friends to Wolf’s isolated world, and, finally, she plays a crucial role in restoring his health, saving his marriage, and broadening his definition of success. As inspiring as it is entertaining, Comet’s Tale leaves us all with a deeper understanding of the extraordinary kinship between man and dog.
As Kirkus Reviews put it, “The close bond between man and dog is only part of this absorbing tale of love, family and dealing with disability…. A heartwarming story that will hold appeal far beyond just animal lovers.” Hudson News and Shelf Awareness both recognized the book as a TOP TEN NONFICTION selection for 2012. Comet’s Tale has since been awarded two First Place Book Awards 2014 from Feathered Quill Book Reviews, and was a finalist in the Human/ Animal Bond category by the Dog Writer’s Association of America during the 2014 Westminster Dog Show.